Friday 15 June 2012

Writer's Forum "Stereotyping"

Writer's Forum "Stereotyping"
Have you ever looked at someone who was dressed a certain way, or who lived in a particular area of town, or who had a certain group of friends or who always earned good or poor grades...and assumed something about that person's life or personality? Maybe this has happened to you!

This is called Stereotyping. An early example from The Outsiders occurs in the assumptions that the Socs and Greasers have about each other. Each group believes or assumes that members of the rival group are indistinguishable from one another. When they stereotype the members of the group, they disregard the uniqueness of each member.

Pony and Cherry have a conversation in which we see assumptions that can be made about each other. Pony talks about the Socs as though they are like those boys who beat up Johnny. Cherry tries to convince him that this isn't true, using Dally as an example. She knows that Dally might mug someone, but Pony would not. Pony and Dally belong to the same gang. But that doesn't mean they are just alike in character.

At this point, Pony also believes that the Greasers are the only ones with any problems. He thinks that because the Socs all have money and opportunities, they must not have any problems. Cherry tell him that "things are rough all over". Cherry seems to realize the truth, but most of the Socs and Greasers do not. This leads to conflicts between the two groups.

1. Explain why you think stereotyping leads to conflict between people and groups of people. Use an experience you or someone close to you has had as an example of your explanation.

2. Answer in paragraph form on this blog.

3. Comment on 2 other student’s posts on this blog.

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